What we spend and how we spend it

What we spend and how we spend it

This section contains information about the council’s finances.

This includes details about:


Financial statement of accounts

These are the most recent approved statements of accounts and external auditors’ report on accounts:

Inspecting our accounts

Find out when you can inspect our accounts here


Payments over £500

In line with government requirements, we publish online details showing items of spend over £500 made to suppliers for goods and services.


Contracts register

We use an eProcurement system called Proactis. Supplier registration and all of our procurement activity is usually via this system. The Proactis system is used to record and publish all new and current contracts directly to a publicly viewable contracts register. View the contracts register.


Senior salaries and pay policy

The senior salary information as at 31 March 2024 is as follows:

  • Chief executive: £121,706
  • Executive director: £101,315
  • Statutory Chief Officer £83,409

The headcount as at 31 March 2024 - 1146
The number of FTEs as at 31 March 2024 – 855.23

Section 38 (1) of the Localism Act 2011, requires all local authorities in England and Wales to produce a Pay Policy Statement. The Act and supporting statutory guidance provides details of matters that should be included in this statutory pay policy which must be complied with when setting the terms and conditions of chief officers. The policy must be formally approved by full council each year and published on the council’s website.

We also report our housing director remuneration and management costs information.


Members’ allowances scheme

The scheme for payments to members is included in part 6 of the Constitution.

Summary of allowances paid to members. This is published annually.


Trade Union (TU) Facility Time 2022/23

The following figures are based on information required under the Local Government Transparency Code 2014:

  • total number of TU representatives: 21   FTE - 18.45
  • total number of TU representatives who devote between 1% and 50% of their time to TU duties – 16
  • trade unions represented at Chesterfield Borough Council: GMB, UNISON, UNITE
  • basic estimate of spending on unions (see Note 1 below) - £55,530
  • basic estimate of spending as a percentage of total pay bill (see Note 2 below) – 0.17%

Note 1

Approximately 2,610 hours per year other officers at approximately £13.64 per hour - £35.15

Note 2

Total pay bill figure used £33.4 million


Internal financial regulations