
£255,000 in grant funding awarded to community groups and local voluntary organisations

More than 60 community groups and local voluntary organisations in Chesterfield are benefiting from a share of £255,000 in grant funding - with further funding now available to even more eligible groups.

A total of 64 local groups from across the borough have been awarded funding through Chesterfield Borough Council’s Community Grants Fund - helping them to deliver grassroots projects that will improve life for local people.

Applications for the fifth and final round of funding from the scheme are now open – with a total of £60,000 available to groups who apply by the deadline on 25 October. 

More information on eligibility criteria and how to apply. 

The grants, which were launched last year, are already being used to support local groups deliver projects that support resilient, healthy, and safe neighbourhoods, as well as initiatives which will help to tackle food poverty and social isolation, or support people to get in to work.

It is also supporting projects that will reduce the borough’s impact on the climate and wider environment by promoting greener choices.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We’re lucky to have so many community groups and voluntary organisations here in Chesterfield that support our communities.

“I’m pleased that, through external funding schemes, we are able to support so many of these groups that work tirelessly to deliver projects and initiatives that make a real difference to the lives of local people, and we’re looking forward to watching these projects progress.”

The latest round of funding, tranche four, has seen the following groups awarded funding:

  • Community Development Chesterfield
  • Poolsbrook Club Community Committee
  • Duckmanton Miners Welfare Centre
  • The Volunteer Centre
  • Middlecroft Community Network
  • The Edge Ministries
  • Friends of Holmebrook Valley Park
  • United Response
  • Friends of Badger Park
  • GH Futures Ltd

One of the groups benefiting from funding is Middlecroft Community Network - a local group established by residents, for residents, with the aim of enhancing the local community and improving the health and well-being of local people.

The funding awarded has helped to support a community engagement event called Picnic on the Pitch - an opportunity for residents to connect with local authorities and outreach services.

Tom Oxley, Middlecroft Community Network's Chair and Founder, said: “As lifelong residents, we’ve noticed that Middlecroft lacked meeting venues and facilities on the estate. The funding from the Community Grants Fund will play a huge part in helping us to change this and allows us more opportunities to improving the estate and enhancing the physical and mental health of its residents.

“Picnic on the Pitch 2024 took place on Saturday 14 September and was our inaugural event, which we hope to make an annual tradition. During the event, we provided free food and entertainment for residents, and encouraged them to interact and socialise with each other while also engaging with local services they may not have otherwise accessed.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Vicki Holmes, Secretary of the Network, who has worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this event. Her devotion, not only to this event but also to the well-being of the Middlecroft Estate and its residents, is truly admirable. She is always active, whether it’s on our community allotment, litter picking with her family, or organising competitions for the residents.” 

Alongside the Community Grants Fund, the council is running a community development project which will provide support to organisations wanting to apply for the grant. If you would like any help or guidance with submitting a bid, please contact the team on:


Phone: 01246 959657 or 07790 977317

Post: Community Grants Fund, c/o Wendy Blunt,
Health and Wellbeing Officer,
Chesterfield Borough Council,
Town Hall,
S40 1LP 

Funding for the Community Grants Fund has been successfully secured from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), together with money raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion (CIL).

The community grants are just one initiative which is benefiting from funding through the UKSPF, after the council was successful in securing £2.6m from the Government. It will fund initiatives up to April 2025, which are designed to improve life for local people and support local businesses.

First published on 16/09/2024 Last updated on 16/09/2024