Skills plans and employment strategies

Skills plans and employment strategies

A skilled workforce is vital to the economic success of the borough.

Our new Skills Action Plan aims to ensure:

  • everyone has the skills needed to get the jobs that will be created in Chesterfield in the next few years
  • training meets the needs of those employers and the jobs they create
  • more residents have higher level skills so they can get better quality jobs
  • clauses are put in planning permissions for large development schemes that require local people to get a fair share of the jobs and training opportunities created
  • clear advice is given to local people and employers about what skills training is available
    Skills Action Plan 2023 to 2027 PDF (PDF 397 KB)


  • we will work with partners to ensure that local people and businesses have the right skills to access current and future employment opportunities
  • we will work with our Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Education Partners to ensure that skills provision is aligned to future jobs growth and economic opportunities from emerging sectors
  • we will maximise the number of training, employment and supply chain opportunities for local people arising from new development and secured through Local Labour Agreements 
  • we will provide clear advice and support to local people and businesses about the range of skills programmes available


D2N2 skills and employability strategy

The D2N2 skills and employability strategy is currently being updated.

However, there a number of skills action plans covering each of the priority sectors in D2N2 and these can be accessed on the D2N2 website.