What can you do?

What can you do?

Climate Action Now

We’re working hard to reduce carbon emissions in Chesterfield – to protect our planet for the future. But we can’t do it alone.

We aim to be a carbon neutral council by 2030 and – working with our communities – to be a carbon neutral borough by 2050 at the latest.

Small actions, taken together, add up to real change. There are lots of small actions and choices that we can all make which when combined will have a significant impact.

Here are a few suggestions for things you can do to make a difference because together we CAN (Climate Action Now):


Cut your energy use

  • discover how to make your home more energy efficient with low energy bulbs, smart thermostats; the Simple Energy Advice website has lots of tips on reducing your home energy use
  • switch to a renewable energy tariff
  • install solar panels to reduce your electricity bill
  • eligible homeowners could benefit from financial support to help make energy efficient improvements to their properties and reduce their bills. Find out more on the Home Upgrade Grant page.


Reduce what you waste

  • increase your recycling by putting the right items in your blue bin and avoid buying single use plastic items
  • only buy the food you need, and compost your waste at home or place food waste in your green bin
  • reuse and repair items and sell anything unwanted instead of throwing away
  • save money on water bills by spending one minute less in the shower, using low flow taps and you can use rainwater to water your garden or wash your car


Use your purchasing power

  • buy more items second-hand like clothing and housewares - visit our flea market to find items like this
  • buy locally produced seasonal fruit and vegetables from our outdoor market
  • reduce your meat consumption, especially red meat as this is the largest source of carbon emissions in the food supply chain
  • reduce dairy consumption - cheese making produces more carbon than pork and poultry farming combined


Switch your transport

  • make short journeys on foot or by bicycle, and make better use of public transport for longer journeys - this can also help improve local air quality
  • try joining a car club or if you need a new car, consider going electric, there are lots of local electric vehicle charging points 
  • reduce the number of flights you take and consider holidays in the UK rather than abroad


Go wild!

  • plant trees and bee friendly flowers in your garden as these can offset carbon and support the local ecosystem
  • grow your own fruits, vegetables and herbs, if you don't have space at home you could use an allotment


There is always we can do on an individual basis, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have developed a carbon footprint tool where you can calculate your individual emissions and receive personalised tips on how to reduce these. Try the online tool for yourself and let us know what actions you will be taking.